Bonsoir Paris were asked by Wall­pa­per to cre­ate an im­mer­sive in­stal­la­tion to il­lus­trate the in­side/out­side na­ture of Rossana ’s K in / K out mod­u­lar kitchen.
To ex­press this idea of tran­si­tion and the blurry fron­tier be­tween the two en­vi­ron­ment, we started from an ar­chi­tec­tural do­mes­tic el­e­ment in­spired by blinds, which was trans­formed by a twisted move­ment into an or­ganic shape. The rep­e­ti­tion of this lin­ear pat­tern cre­ates an ana­log rhythm which is an­i­mated through the vis­i­tor’s ex­plo­ration of the space and the prod­uct. The aim of this in­stal­la­tion is to im­merse the vis­i­tor in a sen­so­r­ial ex­pe­ri­ence by play­ing with a ki­netic ef­fect.
Camera: Clint Trofa
Edit: Bonsoir Paris
Sound Design : Contour